A Three Step Approach to Help Children Navigate Conflict
It is work time in the Riverbend Room, and Jamaya and Ian are playing in the block area. Ian picks up a block from the floor beside him, but Jamaya sh...
NAEYC Summer 2023 – Reading Chair
Children are naturally intrigued by ordinary, everyday situations and relationships. In this edition of The Reading Chair, we showcase books about fin...
To Speak or Not To Speak My Home Language: Supporting Families Home Language
As a researcher who examines families’ language practices and their impact on children’s emerging bilingualism and multilingualism, I work with La...
Learning From Youth
In 1970, the anthropologist Margaret Mead wrote Culture and Commitment: A Study of the Generation Gap. In it, she traced the evolutionary impacts of m...
The Importance and Benefits of Early Childhood Education
There is no doubt that every parent wants the best for their child. As a parent, you can go to extreme lengths to provide the very best for your child...
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It’s Your Choice: Love or Fear
Do you ever wonder why you do certain things, like why do you reward yourself with a piece of cake or a new pair of shoes for being a responsible citi...
The Sooner The Better
“The sooner the better” is the perfect tag line for early childhood education. There is no magic bullet to ensure a lifetime of self-fulfillment i...
10 Ways to Balance Work and Family Life
Good managers know that one of the best ways to ensure a staff’s productivity is for the employees’ home environments to be as happy as possible. ...

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